It’s Thyroid Awareness Month !

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. Although relatively small, the thyroid plays a huge role in the body, influencing the function of many important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and skin. Talk with your healthcare provider about whether your thyroid is healthy and functioning properly.

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Celebrating National Handwashing Awareness Week

Join us in celebrating National Handwashing Awareness Week. Regular handwashing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick. Handwashing is a win for everyone, except…

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Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It is the most common cancer worldwide. Lung Cancer is the number one cancer killer of women and men in the United States. It takes more lives every year than colon, prostate, ovarian and breast cancers combined. Early detection leads to 20% fewer lung cancer deaths each year.

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National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

The month of November is known as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. President Ronald Reagan made that designation in 1983 and it is something that is still recognized today. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, at that time there were less than two million people with the disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that leads to memory,…

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Exercise In Your Sixties

senior man walking along the beach

You’ve definitely heard about the importance of exercise and how good it is for your health. But did you know that different ages benefit from different exercises more than others? If you thought that exercise in your sixties should look like exercise in your fifties, read on. According to Pete McCall, each decade of life…

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Understanding Stroke Recovery

weights, a scale, and ball for rehabilitation

Understanding stroke recovery is necessary for anyone with a loved one in need of rehabilitation. This post clarifies some basics. As anyone who has experience a stroke will tell you, it is an excruciating experience that has long-lasting effects. What is a Stroke? Simply put, a stroke is when the brain doesn’t get blood and…

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Dealing With Disappointment

disappointed child

Life is full of moments. Some are exciting, some are so-so, and some are tough. Disappointment is a fact of life, and in many situations, there’s little or nothing you can do to control the outcomes. The main issue is learning how to cope because dealing with disappointment effectively will give you the strength and…

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Foods For An Upset Stomach

wooden man with upset stomach

An upset stomach can be upsetting. Puns aside, anyone who’s ever had a stomach ache knows that this can take you out of commission until it passes. According to the makers of Pepto Bismol, “Upset Stomach is caused when the mucosal cells in the lining of the stomach are irritated or inflamed. When you have…

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Charles Bonnet Syndrome

visual hallucination

Have you heard of Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS)? If you suffer from vision loss and happen to have visual hallucinations, you’ll be glad to know about this. Hallucinations can be frightening especially because we typically associate them with psychosis, says Oliver Sacks in his Ted talk on the subject. However, these hallucinations are are different…

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Sudden Tiredness: What’s Making You Sleepy During The Day?

sleeping on desk over books

Do you ever feel tired during the day? like a sudden tiredness wave sweeps over you? Some sources of tiredness can be traced to poor sleep or side effects of medications or depression, and these can explain when you’re too tired too often. But sometimes you just can’t figure it out. Nothing really changed in…

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