Always Cold? Here’s Why

As we age, our metabolism slows down and we lose some of our fat. This can make us more sensitive to cold temperatures. But do you find yourself reaching for a sweater even when the heat is cranked up to 80 degrees? Do you notice you’re the only one shivering among a crowd of people?…

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Learn FAST and Save a Life

I was sitting with my grandma at a family wedding, chatting about her newest great-grandchild. Suddenly, Grandma started slurring her words. At first I thought she had simply gotten distracted, but when she repeated herself it sounded like she was gargling water. I asked her if she was okay, and she nodded and tried speaking…

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Feeling the Burn: Heartburn Triggers, Symptoms and Relief

Heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart. It’s so called because of the burning sensations felt in the chest, but it is not related to heart health at all. Heartburn is a digestion problem. What causes heartburn? The stomach has strong gastric acids that break down the food you eat. The stomach has…

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Beware this Medicare Fraud Scheme

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced last year that all Medicare ID numbers will transition from Social Security numbers to unique, randomly generated member IDs. This is a great idea that what will help prevent Medicare fraud and identity theft.  Your coverage will not change or have any interruptions, and the new…

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Welcome To Our New Website!

Much effort and attention has been poured into the development of our new Bridgeway of Bensenville website! We hope you like it and we look forward to WOWing you with our timely articles, exciting updates and relevant information!

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