What is Autoimmune Disease?

Your immune system is a state of the art security network that monitors and protects your body from attack. The immune system detects infectious organisms and launches an attack called the immune response. The immune system does an excellent job keeping out harmful invaders. Sometimes, though, it gets confused and starts producing antibodies that attack…

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Best Diet In The World: It’s Called Sunlight Of Course

Best Diet? Sure, you can take your pick from thousands that are touted as the best. Indeed, it seems that a new diet comes out every week. And it’s promoted as the one that will take that weight off and really keep it off. Well, now, a new study A new study by researchers at the University of…

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Health Warning Signs That Should Not Be Ignored

Health warning signs that are severe, should of course, never be ignored. A problem, may however, arise when warning signs are subtle. Here are several health warning signs you should not ignore.       Health: Tearing sensation If you feel a tearing sensation in your back, you may think you’ve pulled a muscle. But…

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