Posts Tagged ‘sleep’
Sudden Tiredness: What’s Making You Sleepy During The Day?
Do you ever feel tired during the day? like a sudden tiredness wave sweeps over you? Some sources of tiredness can be traced to poor sleep or side effects of medications or depression, and these can explain when you’re too tired too often. But sometimes you just can’t figure it out. Nothing really changed in…
Read MoreNot Getting Sick During Rapid Weather Changes
Do you enjoy a sudden warmer day in the winter? How about opening up the window and turning up the heat just a day apart? The truth is that these rapid weather changes can put you at a risk for getting sick. According to a 2016 study, “our results suggest that rapid decreases in ambient…
Read MoreWhen You’re Too Tired Too Often
Feeling tired often is unfortunately a reality for many seniors. The truth is that there can be multiple causes for feeling tired. The good news is that if you suffer from constant fatigue, there may be something you can do about it. The first step is to verify the exact causes of your tiredness. Here…
Read MoreWrinkles Causes
Wrinkles are a normal part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about them. While some people are just fine with their aging skin, others would rather do away with their wrinkles and keep their skin as smooth as possible. In this post, we’ll discuss what causes wrinkles in the first place.…
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