How To Stay Mobile As You Age

It’s no secret that aging affects our health, and for some people that can mean more ailments and pain, and reduced mobility. But this process doesn’t just happen one day out of nowhere. In fact, “the performance of the body begins to decrease at the age of 35 due to its natural aging process and thus the risk of adverse health impairments increases with age.

senior man walking

Thankfully, there are steps we can take to be proactive and help maintain our mobility.

Here are two important factors to consider.


It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise to open a post like this with a suggestion for exercising. But that’s really what mobility is about.

According to Harvard Health, “Older people who are physically more active and who exercise regularly are more likely to walk independently and do other activities of daily living on their own compared to sedentary elders.”

And this is true even if you start exercising later on in life. “A structured exercise program can make a difference even among older individuals who do not currently exercise,” says Harvard.

“The most important thing is to create a training program that specifically addresses your needs in terms of frequency, type and intensity,” says Assistep. “In case of uncertainty or previous falls, you should consult your doctor first.”


What you eat seems to play a role in mobility.

According to a study that analyzed data for about 55,000 women, “those who ate healthier diets were less likely to develop mobility problems than those with less healthy diets.” And “high consumption of vegetables and fruits, moderate alcohol intake, and low consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fats and salt were each associated with a reduced risk of physical impairment.”

What can you do to help yourself or a loved one maintain mobility?

Please share in the comments below.